
Sweet as hell weekend.
June 28, 2010, 12:52 am
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First of all, J. Cole. No, not the footballer, the new kid on the Roc Nation block. Bars, bars, bars … damn.

Went to the S.F. Zoo this weekend. It was an extraordinarily nice day for the city and the zoo was a good place to spend it. I forgot how the S.F. Zoo was like since I hadn’t visited in a good 8 or so years since this visit. Last time, I was tutoring a first grade class when I took the kids to the zoo. I’m glad the zoo keys are still there, thought I didn’t find them in the Gift Store.

Some kid was feeding Rice Crispy treats to the peacocks that roam the zoo and I was able to get up close and personal with one of them:

We ended up seeing a bunch of other cool things – a Snow Leopard, a baby Gorilla, a bear fight, and a child being physically forced to “look at the monkeys!$)&#@*,” by his overly aggressive mother. If more weekends are like this one, life will be great!

Short post tonight – gotta get ready for a long work week ahead.

‘Tis all.